Pushing It

Have you driven one of the new ess-you-vees yet?  They are called “keyless entry”. That is a euphemism. It is not true.  It may be “hands free entry” but you still need a key. You cannot open the door unless you have your key in your pocket or handbag. Once in the car you can put it away. You start the engine by pushing on the big button in front of you. It is about the size of a silver dollar. To go forward or backward you move a small lever just behind the starting button. Which is reverse and which is forward you learn by bumping into the refrigerator in the garage. Steering, accelerating, and braking are the same as in your old car.

On my first trip to the grocery store I did alright except that I had forgotten how to shut off the motor. I could not find the parking brake, either. Afraid to let the monster idle while shopping I decided to forget the milk and the bananas and turned around again. Thank God I hit the reverse at the first try. The rearview camera saved several pedestrians’ lives as I rocked the big vehicle out of a much too narrow parking slot without scratching either neighbor’s Mercedes. Ever so glad that I had no mishap I made it, as they say, to port and rewarded myself with a  glass of the Ruby kind. Ouff.

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