The Lion of Messina

Sicily has seen many conquerors and rulers, from the ancient Greeks to Mussolini. The Greeks left behind their temples. Mussolini left behind some government buildings in unmistakable fascist style. At about the time of the Battle of Hastings the Normans called the shots. They too left some of their architecture behind, notably the cathedral of Messina. It has been destroyed and rebuilt several times and is now a precious sight-seeing item for the tourists, worth a visit if you like to see what Norman Style means. Most tourists have simpler interests, such as the much advertised Golden Lion on top of the bell tower. As the guide books will tell you, this is a masterwork by a French clock maker. While other lions such as the one in Belfort or the one by the lake near Lucerne just sit there, the one in  Messina is capable of letting go a most formidable roar, and he does this every day at twelve o’clock noon.

Shortly before noon, therefore, the plaza below fills with people craning their necks to catch a glimpse of the splendid thing in gold. Everybody holds their breath as the big dial jumps to twelve. We all did the day I was there. The brave animal opened its mouth and let go – yes – a small noise sounding like a muffled “GARP.” That was it. He said no more. End of the show. Add mechanical lions to your mice and your men.

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