Shadows of Not Long Ago

If you listen to the current President of the United States of America, the Press is the enemy of the people, spreading “fake news”. That does not surprise me  any more. But I learned  early on how that plays out. I grew up in Nazi Germany. When the National Socialists took over the government in 1933, the first thing they did was to shut down all opposition  papers to prevent them from spreading “Jewish lies”.

Beginning in January of 1945, however, three months before the end of the war in Europe, the American army reached Aachen and started the first post-war German newspaper.

The Army, incidentally, lost twenty thousand men in the struggle to get there.  The absurdity is that those twenty thousand American citizens died fighting an enemy whose enemy was, as we now hear, the same as theirs, the free Press.  That of course was a year before the current leader of this Nation was born and, if we stretch it a little, he can be excused for not knowing that in those days the American military administration was so old-fashioned that they actually thought the re-establishment of a free press was vital to the reeducation of us Germans.

But wait!  I am both, one of those reeducated Germans as well as an American citizen. I am confused now. Which is the America we are making great again?

© 2018 by Herbert H. Hoffman


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