De-Frosting America

We are finally getting it right. The country is waking up. The first step is a big step, maybe not Moon shaking but certainly big. We are updating our poets! Because this is what Robert Frost really meant to say: “Something there is that does love a wall”. And we now join Cole Porter and Robert Fletcher as we sing “Do fence me in!” And we remember, of course, our own Ronald Reagan’s powerful speech: “Mister Gorbachev, do keep up that wall!”
The Chinese love their wall, too. “Nice tourist attraction”, as they say in Mandarin. And Hadrian was also happy with his. Kept the British out of Londinium, as we know. Oh yes, and the Roman Limes, the 500 km wall that kept the Germans out of Frankfurt. Those, of course, were bigger projects. But at least we are getting started.

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